Am I a Candidate for Dental Implants?

Losing a tooth can happen for any number of reasons, from trauma to oral disease. The loss of a tooth or several teeth can cause different problems. Apart from affecting your appearance, it can also cause functional problems, affecting speech and even the ability to chew. Fortunately, there are options to restore your smile and ability to chew with ease.

Choosing Dental Implants

If you are looking for a permanent solution, dental implants are a good option. Your dentist will install a biocompatible post in the jaw which fuses with the bone during surgical recovery. A crown or artificial tooth is placed on top of the post to restore the missing tooth. If a patient is missing an arch, several implants can be implanted to stabilize dentures.

Benefits Of Dental Implants

A significant benefit of dental implants is that the post securing it to the jawbone is permanently installed. It replaces the root of the real tooth, which prevents the jawbone from shrinking or reshaping. Some replacements leave a gap that allows the bone to shrink with time. The resulting benefit is that dental implants protect bone density. Another plus implants offer is that they look and feel just like real or natural teeth. They are easy to clean and maintain.

Candidates For Dental Implants

If you are wondering whether you qualify for a dental implant, there are several things to consider. Dental implants work for most people who have missing teeth. However, they are not for everyone. The following requirements must be considered:

  • Your health: You need to be in good health before you undergo a dental implant procedure. If you have a health condition such as uncontrolled diabetes, you may not be a candidate. This is also the case if you are on medication that can interfere with surgical recovery.


  • Jawbone volume: You need sufficient bone density to undergo a dental implant procedure. The implants need adequate jaw structure and support. Without strong bones, implants will fail. Sufficient bone density anchors the implant, and bone graft can help.


  • Gum health: Your gums need to be healthy for the implant procedure to be successful. Infected gums can lead to tooth loss and prevent effective healing. If you have advanced gum disease, you will require periodontal treatment before surgery.


  • Oral hygiene practices: A good candidate for dental implants is someone committed to good oral hygiene. The implants will require proper maintenance. This includes daily brushing and flossing, as well as adhering to follow-up dental appointments. With proper care, implants should last a lifetime.

Consulting A Dentist

Whether you are missing a single tooth or several teeth, you will benefit from dental implants. Visit a dentist for a consultation to determine whether the procedure is for you. The dentist will assess your condition and overall oral health. He or she can provide more information about the procedure, the process, the cost, and the types of implants available. Dental implants are customized to fit every individual. This ensures that they are attractive and comfortable for you.

To know more about dental implants, visit Buckland Hills Dental at our office in Manchester, Connecticut. You can also call (860) 644-0099 to book an appointment today.

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