Dental Cysts Can Vary in Severity and Treatment

Dental cysts are often the result of a problematic tooth or distressed gum tissues. These small pockets of fluid can sometimes be sterile or might contain infectious material. The cause and severity of a dental cyst will determine the course of treatment Dr. Chi recommends.


Sometimes a minor dental cyst can be treated with a course of prescription antibiotics or anti-inflammatory medication. This can allow your body to naturally absorb the cyst without need of invasive treatment.


A small dental cyst near the gumline or another minimally invasive location might be removed without sedation. Dr. Chi will numb the area before excising the small dental cyst.


A large, painful, or infected dental cyst might require oral surgery. Dr. Chi can often do this in a single outpatient appointment. This might require full sedation to maintain your comfort during the treatment. Afterward, you will still feel some sedative effect which will require someone else to drive you home.


Once the dental cyst has been excised, Dr. Chi might provide you with a prescription for antibiotics, anti-inflammatory, or pain management medication. This will knock out any lingering infection and help you remain comfortable while your gums heal.


If you live in Manchester, Connecticut and you are experiencing discomfort in your gums or have a distressed tooth, simply call (860) 644-0099 to seek treatment at Buckland Hills Dental.

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