Using Invisalign® to Covertly Align Your Teeth

Having a straight smile can be a fantastic boost to your self-esteem and confidence. However, getting braces to straighten your smile can be a blow to both self-esteem and confidence. If you would like to avoid traditional braces, we provide an excellent alternative that operates almost invisibly.


While most traditional braces use metal wires and ceramic anchors to adjust teeth and practically broadcast their presence, Invisalign® brand aligners use clear plastic trays custom shaped to your teeth to get the job done. Using these trays allows you to gently align your teeth without embarrassment.


Dr. Chi will create a customized plan of treatment that will get your smile where you want it to be. Each clear plastic aligner will be used for a few weeks and will gently nudge your teeth to their ideal positions. They are so precise that they can move a single tooth to its proper place.


One of the greatest things about Invisalign® is its convenience. Traditional metal braces are permanently attached to your teeth and make eating and hygiene difficult. Invisalign®, on the other hand, is completely removable, making eating and hygiene as easy as if you didn’t have braces.


If you are dissatisfied with a crooked smile and would like to learn more about Invisalign® or any of our other dental services, please call Buckland Hills Dental in Manchester, Connecticut, today. Our dentist, Dr. Chi, would be happy to assist you.

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