How to Maintain Teeth Whitening Results

Teeth whitening is one of the most popular cosmetic dental procedures performed today. Teeth can become stained due to different reasons, ranging from smoking and drinking coffee to taking certain medications or simply just aging. 

Professional teeth whitening is easy and effective, and it produces dramatic results within minutes. If you have recently had a teeth whitening treatment, you are no doubt loving the effect of your bright new smile. To enjoy the feeling for the foreseeable future, it is a good idea to maintain the whitening results through proper aftercare.

Ensure Good Oral Hygiene

One of the best ways to maintain your teeth whitening results is by practicing proper oral hygiene. You need to find out the best ways to keep your teeth and gums healthy. Taking care of your teeth every day is vital, and there is a correct way to do it.

As a rule, you should brush your teeth at least twice a day for at least two minutes. You should floss once a day, as well as use antibacterial mouthwash daily. You also need to ensure that you get biannual dental checkups and cleanings. Apart from maintaining your whitening results, you will also protect your oral health.

Avoid Teeth-Staining Foods

It is important to realize that certain foods stain the teeth over time. You might enjoy your weekly curry, but the spicy food is not good for your teeth. Your regular cups of coffee help keep you alert, but they also stain your teeth.

You might love your red wine and pasta sauce, but you need to limit your consumption of these items. To maintain the results of your teeth whitening, make sure to brush your teeth after consuming these foods and drinks.

Avoid All Tobacco Products

Smoking is bad not just for your physical health, but also for your oral health. If you are a smoker, your teeth whitening efforts will be futile. Tobacco will stain your teeth badly, leaving you with yellow teeth.

To maintain your teeth whitening results, you need to quit the tobacco habit. This is not just for cigarettes but for all tobacco products. Quitting the habit will improve not only your oral health, but also your overall health.

Foods That Are Good For Teeth

In maintaining teeth whitening results, there are foods to avoid and there are those to consume. Increasing your intake of strawberries can help maintain your whitening results. Strawberries, apples, and pears have natural whitening properties.

Apples help exfoliate the teeth, scrubbing some debris and plaque and stimulating saliva production. Saliva helps clean the teeth and washes away the sugar from foods. Vegetables like broccoli are also helpful.

Drinking Plenty Of Water

Keeping your mouth well lubricated will help maintain your teeth whitening results. Drinking water is good not just for your overall health but for your oral health. Water also comes in handy in situations where you cannot clean your teeth after meals. Water helps wash away juices, residual food particles, and debris. These materials could otherwise get stuck on the teeth, affecting the whitening results.

Make sure you visit your dentist for the best teeth whitening results. Remember, teeth whitening results are not permanent, and so you need regular dental visits.

For more on maintaining teeth whitening results, contact Buckland Hills Dental at our office in Manchester, Connecticut. You can call (860) 644-0099 today to schedule an appointment.

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