Recovery and Aftercare for Dental Implants

Having dental implants can be very beneficial in many ways. Apart from restoring the appearance of your teeth and improving your smile, implants help restore dental function. Dental implants will allow you to enjoy the foods you love again. 

As with all types of surgery, the recovery period is important for long-term success. To be successful, the implants need to fuse properly with the surrounding bone. Complete recovery can take three to six months, depending on your condition. Here are aftercare tips that will help with recovery.

Avoid Hot Drinks And Food

After the dental implant procedure, it is important to avoid drinking or eating anything hot during the recovery period. Your dental specialist can tell you when you can go back to hot drinks and food. 

The heat from food and drinks can injure the sensitive mouth tissue. The tissue around the implants needs time to heal, so you should avoid aggravating it. Avoid disturbing the tissue, and this includes any type of contact.

Avoid Solid Food For 48 Hours

The first 48 hours are very sensitive, and you should avoid anything that can disturb the surgical site. Avoid eating solid food during this period or until the anesthetic has completely worn off. Eat soft, nutritious foods during the recovery period. 

Try and avoid touching or running your tongue over the surgical area. Sipping cold water will help reduce swelling and discomfort, and it will reduce disturbance to the implant site.

Treating Pain And Swelling

You are likely to experience some mild pain or discomfort and swelling immediately after the dental implant surgery. You can use painkillers and icepacks to treat the discomfort. Swelling is a normal consequence of the implant procedure, so you should not worry too much about it. 

The swelling may increase in the first two or three days. Placing an ice pack over the area can help reduce the swelling. The specialist will prescribe painkillers to offer relief during recovery.

Saltwater Mouthwash

Brushing your teeth immediately after the procedure is not recommended. For the first week after the dental implant procedure, use a warm saltwater mouthwash. This will help keep your mouth clean and prevent the growth of bacteria. 

Good oral hygiene is crucial for successful recovery. Saltwater works as a simple yet effective antiseptic solution. It reduces bacteria activity, preventing the risk of complications. Make sure you use warm and not hot water!

Avoid Smoking

If you are a smoker, you should have quit the habit long before the dental surgery. Smoking is harmful to oral health whether or not you need surgery. Avoid smoking during the recovery period. 

The harmful habit increases the chances of dental implant failure due to restricted oxygen flow. Smoking can lead to a risk of infection and reduce your chances of successful dental implant recovery.

Dental implant surgery is quite straightforward with minimal risk of complications. You should, however, avoid performing strenuous activities during the recovery period. Rest as much as possible, especially in the first few days, and make sure you stay hydrated. If you feel like something is not right, do not hesitate to get in touch with the dental specialist.

For more on dental implants aftercare, contact Buckland Hills Dental at our office in Manchester, Connecticut. You can call (860) 644-0099  today to schedule an appointment.

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