What Are Veneers & How Do They Improve Smiles?

Dental veneers are a very popular cosmetic dental treatment that can dramatically improve the appearance of your smile. These thin, shell-like covers are applied to the outer faces of the teeth in order to cover imperfections in a minimally-invasive process.

Many people compare veneers to a set of false nails. However, each veneer is bespoke, created in the perfect size, shape, and color needed to improve the appearance of your tooth while looking completely natural. They are attached by removing a little of the natural enamel of your teeth and securing them over the top using a special adhesive. Although they look fairly fragile, they are strong and with the right care and attention could last a decade or more.

Here are some of the key ways in which you can use dental veneers to improve your smile and boost your confidence in the appearance of your teeth.

Closing Gaps And Covering Imperfections

Very few people have naturally straight and perfectly-colored teeth. Gaps between the teeth, crookedness, overlapping, chips, stains, and discoloration are extremely normal but can affect how happy and confident you feel about showing your smile. Fortunately, veneers are a highly effective way of covering these imperfections. You can choose to cover just one, single tooth or they can be applied across a broader part of your smile.

Improving The Color Of Your Teeth

Teeth whitening is just one way to lift stains and discoloration and improve the color of your teeth. Unfortunately, it’s not a suitable option for many people, particularly those who are sensitive to the ingredients in whitening agents. Rather than whitening teeth from the inside out, veneers can be used to cover discoloration and stains instead, giving you the brighter, whiter teeth that you desire. Veneers are also more resistant to stains than the natural enamel of your teeth, so they will stay white for longer.

Add Strength To Your Smile

Veneers are exceptionally thin, but don’t let this fool you. They are also extremely strong and resilient. Better still, they can add a further layer of protection to your teeth, providing additional strength against damage that occurs as a result of wear and tear. They can also be used to give extra support to teeth that have minor cracks and chips.

Say Goodbye To Gumminess

Lots of people have what is often referred to as a ‘gummy smile’. This is where their gums seem more prominent than their teeth, and this can make them feel self-conscious or embarrassed about their smile. However, veneers can be created to address this problem, reducing the appearance of the gum tissue and making teeth look longer so that your smile is more balanced.

Straighten Up

Crooked, twisted, overlapping, and gapped teeth are extremely common. Fortunately, veneers can be used to straighten up your smile without having to go through the discomfort and inconvenience of traditional braces. This is because veneers can be created to close gaps, add thickness to teeth and give the illusion of greater uniformity across your entire smile. It’s important to note that if you have severe misalignment issues you may still need orthodontic treatment to correct them since they could be affecting the health of your smile.

If you are considering dental veneers and you’d like more information, or if you would like to schedule a consultation to discuss your smile transformation, please call Buckland Hills Dental in Manchester, Connecticut at (860) 644-0099 today.

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