Benefits of Dental Sealants for Children

A common dental issue amongst children is tooth decay. Even if your child routinely brushes and flosses, they could have plaque build-up. Dental sealants help cover the pits and fissures on the chewing surface to leave no room for plaque to hide.

Dental sealants are a thin coating that adheres to the chewing surface of the teeth at the back of your mouth. It is a painless and quick process.

Dental sealants do not substitute maintaining a dental hygiene routine. However, they can keep your teeth from developing cavities. They even stop the development of decay. 

Sealants work as a protective layer for your child’s teeth. The earlier your child gets them, the better it is for their dental health. The first molars grow at 6 years and the second at 12 years. Sealing their teeth at an early age will protect them from dental cavities. Below are some of the benefits they have for children.

Protects From Cavity

Young teeth are at high risk of developing dental cavities. Your child could experience cavities without the protection of dental sealants. This is so even if they brush and floss and follow a relatively low sugar diet. Young teeth are not very strong compared to adult teeth.

The back teeth have dimples and groves known as fissures and pits. Germs and food get stuck in them. They can stay there for an extended time, and no toothbrush bristles can brush them off. Dental sealants shield the back teeth from germs and food particles. 

Children are good candidates for dental sealants. Sealing the chewing surface makes it hard for food particles to stick. As a result, there is less opportunity for a cavity to develop.

Keeps Teeth Strong

Children’s teeth act as placeholders for the permanent teeth that are yet to grow. If they do not have dental sealants, the teeth can fall out early. As a result, there is a gap in the mouth prone to bacteria. The buildup of bacteria can lead to gum disease.

Prevents Gum Disease

Kids are susceptible to gingivitis or gum disease like adults. Gum disease can lead to teeth loss if left untreated. If your child has a sweet tooth, protection against plaque is ideal. In doing so, you shield their teeth against bacteria that increases their risk of getting gum disease.

Gum disease can develop in your child without discomfort and pain. It is ideal to be aware of the symptoms that indicate a problem. Gum disease in children can have the following signs:

  • Tender gums
  • Swollen or red gums
  • Bleeding gums resulting from brushing or flossing
  • Loose teeth
  • Bad breath
  • Receding gums
  • A change in their bite


Dental sealants provide long-term protection, and some sealants can last for almost a decade. Routine dental visits can help examine their condition to avoid falling off. They ensure your children’s teeth have a shield against cavities.

Easy Application

Dental sealants are an easy and fast way to protect your child’s teeth. Your dentist can apply them within minutes. It is a painless and manageable process, even if your child is restless.

Your dentist applies them after a routine cleaning. They need a few minutes to dry up. But after that, your child can get back to their usual activities. Dental sealants do not have a diet restriction. After treatment, life resumes its normality.

For more about dental sealants for children, contact Buckland Hills Dental at our office in Manchester, Connecticut. You can call us at (860) 644-0099 today to schedule an appointment.

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